13:45 Forecasting coral functional responses to future warming and ocean acidification
Dr. Shannon Klein, PI: Prof. Carlos Duarte
14:00 Ocean warming rather than acidification shapes the transcriptomic and proteomic response of a coral reef fish
Alison Monroe, PI: Prof. Christian Voolstra
14:15 Fine-scale delineation of host-specific Symbiodiniaceae genotypes shows little correspondence to patterns in previous bleaching severities on a Central Red Sea reef system
Benjamin Hume, PI: Prof. Christian Voolstra
14:30 Photonic cooperation between Tridacninae and their photosynthetic symbionts – how giant clams cope with high UV radiation in shallow reefs
Susann Rossbach, PI: Prof. Carlos Duarte
14:45 At What Size Does a Pocillopora Coral Fulfills Its Ecological Role in a Reef? A Guide for Reef Restoration
Irene Salinas Akhmadeeva, PI: Prof. Michael Berumen
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Transcription factor binding motifs coupled with DNA methylation profiles in Aiptasia
Dr. Kashif Nawaz, PI: Prof. Manuel Aranda
15:30 Latitudinal variation in thermotolerance of Porites lobata in the Red Sea
Marcelle Muniz Barreto, PI: Prof. Manuel Aranda
15:45 Exploring strategies to increase thermal resilience of corals in Saudi Arabian waters
Dr. Sebastian Schmidt-Roach, PI: Prof. Manuel Aranda
16:00 Feeding ecology does not match morphological functionality in American parrotfishes
Lucia Pombo Ayora, PI: Prof. Michael Berumen
Session chair: Walter Rich