Session 4: Aquaculture, Environmental Monitoring and Conservation

13:45 Effects of temperature on the growth and feed efficiency of sobaity seabream and gilthead seabream cultured under Red Sea conditions
Dr. Joseph Laranja, PI: Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Suwailem

14:00 Underwater Red Sea UVB levels have negative effects on growth, behavior, physiology, immune function and antioxidant capacity in gilthead seabream
Dr. Ricardo Alves, PI: Prof. Susana Agusti

14:15 Monitoring the impact of offshore aquaculture on ambient water quality in the Red Sea
Aislinn Dunne, PI: Prof. Burton Jones

14:30 Ecological effects of non-native species in marine ecosystems relate to co-occurring anthropogenic pressures
Dr. Nathan Geraldi, PI: Prof. Carlos Duarte

14:45 A comparison of hatchling locomotor performance and scute pattern variation between in-situ and relocated nests
Lyndsey Tanabe, PI: Prof. Michael Berumen

15:00 Coffee break

15:15 Ecophysiological interactions in intertidal macroalgal assemblages
Walter Rich, PI: Prof. Michael Berumen

15:30 Environmental DNA fingerprints marine macrophytes in Blue Carbon ecosystems
Alejandra Ortega, PI: Prof. Carlos Duarte

15:45 Global ecological impacts of marine exotic species
Dr. Andrea Anton Gamazo, PI: Prof. Carlos Duarte

Session chair: Shiou-Han Hung