Associate Professor of Marine Science
Prof. Peixoto's research has outlined the protocols and proved the concept that the manipulation of coral-associated microorganisms, using Beneficial Microorganisms for Corals (BMCs), is possible and can increase the host’s resilience and resistance against environmental threats. This pioneering work has contributed to pave the way for new approaches to reveal and explore mechanisms of marine microbiology and symbiotic interactions. As founder and chair of the Beneficial Microbes for Marine Organisms network (BMMO), her goal is to keep promoting a powerful international platform where basic knowledge can be strengthened and transformed into products to be used for marine ecosystems and sustainable development.
At KAUST, her research addresses the diversity, ecological role and biotechnological potential of microorganisms associated with marine organisms from the Red Sea. She also seeks to investigate how these microbiomes can be used as models and sources to explore and understand key symbiotic mechanisms promoting the host's resistance and resilience against different impacts, as part of her projects on coral reef protection, restoration and rehabilitation.
Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division (BESE)