Jeff Leis began to study behaviour in larvae of marine demersal fishes, mostly in the field, in 1995. Due to Jeff’s research - along with the research contributions of many others - we now know that during
most of their pelagic period these larvae can control their vertical distribution, are strong swimmers with good orientation abilities and well-developed senses. In short, they can influence their dispersal. The seminar will be about these
abilities, and how our knowledge of them can be used to construct realistic, validated dispersal models that are useful in a variety of ways.
Speaker: Prof. Jeffrey M. Leis
Speaker bio: Jeff, an American by birth, has a BSc in Zoology from the University of Arizona and PhD in Biological Oceanography from the University of Hawaii, where he developed his interest in marine fish larvae. In1979, a 2-year
fellowship at the Australian Museum brought him to Australia: he retired from the Museum in 2014. He continues his research as Adjunct Professor at the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies. An
Australian citizen, he has received awards for his research from American, Australian, Japanese and International organizations.