Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine geology, Carbonate Sedimentology, Carbonate diagenesis, Palaeoclimate
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine ecology, Global change, Anthropogenic stressors, Multiple Stressors, Environmental Impacts, Coastal Ecosystems, Reef Ecology, Ecosystem Recovery
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Physical Oceanography, Observational oceanography, Operational oceanography, HF-radars, Buoys, Lagrangian systems, Currents
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine invertebrates, Chemical Ecology, Environmental DNA
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine microbiology, Microbial bioinformatics, Marine symbioses, Extremophiles, Bacterial metabolism, Methanotrophs/methylotrophs
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Behavior, Biodiversity, Disturbances, Ecological Processes, Habitat, Marine ecology, Reef Fishes
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine ecology, Biological Oceanography, Ecosystems, Global change, HABs, pigments, Phytoplankton
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Geomorphology, seafloor mapping, benthic habitat mapping, geomorphometry, terrain analysis, Remote Sensing, geographic information system
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine microbial ecology, Marine microbiology, Metabolic ecology, Size structure, Biodiversity, Ecosystem functioning, Trait-based ecology, Climate Change, Ecology and evolution
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Bioinformatics, Molecular biology, Biochemistry, Transcriptomics, Laser Microdissection
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Microbial ecology, Coral Microbiology, Marine Probiotics, Marine Symbiosis, Chemosynthesis, Applied Microbiology
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine ecology, Movement ecology, Population ecology, Megafauna
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Bio-optical oceanography, Biogeochemical processes, Long-term changes in phytoplankton dynamics
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine ecology, Microbial ecology, Host-associated Microbiomes, Blue Carbon Ecosystems, Climate Change, Climate changes
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Environmental microbiology, Plant-microbe interaction, Microbial ecology of extreme environments, Mangrove microbial ecology, Agriculture microbiology, Microbial biotechnology
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine ecology, Evolution, Epigenetics, Coral taxonomy
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Climate modeling, Atmospheric chemistry, Aerosols, Volcanic eruptions, Air quality
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine biology, Climate Change, Pollution, Acclimatization, Coral reefs, Applied Statistics
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Marine FIsh Hybridization, Hybridization Speciation, Biogeography
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Biodiversity, Evolution, Systematics, Genetics, Taxonomy, Sequencing, DNA, DNA sequencing
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Benthic Ecology, Carbonate Chemistry, Biogeosciences